
I am really glad if you thought this blog useful, but you may be also disappointed that there has been no newer posts coming out for a long time :-(.

I haven't updated this blog for almost one year. One reason is that prefuse or its application in Java Applet is not very attractive on web, while I am going to build some web-based visualization applications. (Actually the real reason is that prefuse/Java is really frustrating me. It is really hard. lol)

However, the great thing is that there is a Flash alternative from prefuse -- flare. Flare has the same visualization model as that from prefuse. However, the event model, display list, UI component and dynamic programming language (Actionscript3) from Flash/Flex can let development much easier. The flash application is also pretty effecient on web. Here is the project which I have developed with flare in the last month.

BTW, if you want build web-based visualiation application in Javascript, you should be interested in JIT. The best part of a Javascript-based visualization toolkit is that it can be much more seamlessly integrated with web content, e.g. AJAX, CSS, HTML...

June 13, 2009